Captain America and The Avengers

Jan 28, 2011
Posted by arcade

Players can choose to play one of four of the Avengers, being the superheroes Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and the Vision. What follows are a series of battle against supervillains across various locations in a bid to stop the villain the Red Skull. Other Avengers, including the Wasp, Quicksilver, Wonder Man, and Namor the Sub-Mariner, make cameo appearances.
Opponents include villains Klaw, The Living Laser, Whirlwind, Wizard, the Grim Reaper, the Mandarin, The Juggernaut, Ultron, and the assassin Crossbones. The game also has two and four-player options.

arcade games

Players fight their way alternately through scrolling action with free movement as in traditional arcade brawlers and horizontal scrolling flying & shooting sequences.
In the fighting sequences the players use their martial arts skills and special powers to defeat the villains that stand in their way, but can also pick up and use many objects as weapons, including seemingly innocuous soda cans and even the bodies of enemies.

How to play
extract this rar
execute Play.bat

P1 start:1
Game controller
Up:arrow Up
Down:arrow Down
Left:arrow Left
Right:arrow Right
Button A:W
Button B:E
Button C:R
Button D:T
Button E:Y
Button F:U