Why Fileserve error?
I'd contact the Fileserve about this error/page not found/404
The solution :
1. Use this downloader service in this site: requestanylinks
2. Try to refresh the page about 5 - 10 minutes later..
3. Try to use another browser, some of our friends here are successfully download the game via other browser.. try to copy and paste the link game to the new browser..
4. Erase all cookies and sessions on Fileserve, and then try again
good luck..
gw udah konsultasi ama orang Fileserve tentang error/page not found/404
nah solusinya adalah
1. Pake downloader di situs ini -> requestanylinks
2. Coba refresh kira2 5 sampe 10 menitan lagi..
3. Coba pake browser lain sob, beberapa sobat kita berhasil mendownload game2nya pake browser laen.. caranya kopi & paste link gamenya (hanya link gamenya saja) ke browser laen..
4. Hapus total semua cookie dan session Fileserve, truz coba lagi
semoga membantu..
Why Fileserve error?