Neo BomberMan

Oct 25, 2010
Posted by arcade

Neo Bomberman is one of two Bomberman games developed by Hudson Soft to be released for the Neo Geo hardware, the other being Panic Bomber. Unlike Panic Bomber, a puzzle game, Neo Bomberman retains the traditional top-down gameplay.


The gameplay consists of walking through maze-like areas filled with monsters with a goal of opening the gate leading to the next area. Playing as a bomberman, the player can lay bombs to destroy all of the monsters, which will subsequently open the gate. Destroying blocks in the maze may uncover useful items including remote control bombs, accelerators, and hearts.

In Battle Mode, one to two players can face off against up to three AI players in one of ten arenas designed specifically for multiplayer play. Matches can be customized as battle royal matches or as team matches. Besides the regular items found in singleplayer mode, the glove (allowing Bomberman to pick up and toss bombs) and speed increases can be found in multiplayer.

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