Fatal Fury 2

Jan 18, 2011
Posted by arcade

The two-plane battle system from the first Fatal Fury has been retained. This time, the player can move freely to the adjacent plane by pressing the Light Punch and Light Kick buttons simultaneously for the Plane Move. The player can also perform a Power Attack that will knock the opponent to the other plane. When the opponent is on the other plane, the player can press either punch button to jump towards the opponent with a Low Plane Move Attack or either kick button for a High Plane Move Attack. Certain stages have hazards in the background plane, such as electrified wires or a stampede of bulls, and thus the player cannot change planes but can knock the opponent to the other plane, causing extra damage.


Other specialized techniques have been added as well. After the player guards an opponent's attack, they follow it up with a special counterattack technique known as an Evasion Attack. The player can also taunt the opponent by pressing the Hard Punch button from a distance. Fatal Fury 2 also introduces the Desperation Move (or Fury), a powerful type of Special Move which causes massive damage, that can only be used when the player's life gauge is at 25% and flashing red.

The single-player mode has the player facing against all eight characters (including a clone of the player's character), followed by four computer-only boss characters. After every fourth match, the player will participate in a bonus round for more points.
The character roster consists of eight selectable characters: Terry, Andy and Joe from the original Fatal Fury, plus five new playable characters. After defeating all eight playable characters in the single player tournament (including a clone of the player's), the player faces four non-playable boss characters.