Nightmare in the Dark
Oct 21, 2010First of all, I think any review of NitD must make a passing reference to Snow Bros., a fine arcade game created by Toaplan and released by Romstar (the same company that released some of SNK's early pre-Neo Geo games). The second best analogy would be Taito's Bubble Bobble, but Snow Bros is obviously a direct influence. If you know, or have ever played Snow Bros., I can quickly review NitD by saying its Snow Bros. with ghosts, zombies and other assorted monsters, and instead of snow you use magic fire, turning your enemies into rolling fireballs instead of rolling snowballs.
If you've never played Snow Bros. (you're missing out), the concept of that game and NitD is simple: you must clear the level (single frame) by attacking enemies with your regular shot, turning them into a large ball, and then lobbing them at other enemies to eliminate them. Touching enemies before you change them kills you. After a number of levels, you face a boss who must be killed by a combination of direct attacks and rolling smaller enemies into them. That's pretty much the gist of both Snow Bros. and NitD.
Nightmare in the Dark